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15 Benefits of Having a Diverse Team in Your Startup

Do you wonder how some companies are explicitly good at generating a good return on investment, coming up with innovative ideas for each one of their projects, and creating a productive work environment for both employers and employees?

They follow a simple work strategy. The secret lies in diversity. 

Quoting Stephen’s Covey, “Strength lies in differences, not similarities.” It means, having a work environment of people from different gender, ethnicity, background, age group, etc.

Diversity is not mandatory, but it is a need that helps your organization grow healthily by being inclusive and acceptable. The companies that consider diversity and pursue the same for themselves are 35% more likely to receive financial returns above the industry median.

Do you have a diverse team? Take this team team diversity assessment to find out.

Also if you are an early-stage business, you might want to read our posts on how to build a tech startup team and assembling the ideal startup team.

Let us now look at the 15 benefits of having a diverse team.


Do you have a diverse team - quiz
Do you have a diverse team – quiz

1. Innovation

Diversity brings creativity and innovation. It is legit true that if you have people from diverse backgrounds, age groups; you will gather different ideas helping you form an innovative and creative strategy.

There have been several studies supporting the notion, and it is pretty evident that the companies that pursue diversity are ones to introduce most of the out-of-the-box ideas. Diversity also enables nonlinear and novel thinking and adaptability that innovation requires. Companies with the highest levels of digital investment showed the strongest link between diversity and innovation revenue.

2. Better Performance

We all know what a team can do, and if the same team has people from different backgrounds then it can create miracles. Harvard Business Review found out that diverse teams are able to solve problems faster compared to teams with similar cognitive abilities.

 The secret behind the better performance of top companies is their acceptance of different people, which creates a comfortable environment for individuals and also allows them to put forward their ideas, and suggestions for any new project. 

3. Attracts Talent

A survey by Glassdoor found that 67% of people believe in getting into organizations that prioritize diversity. The reason is simple. It allows them to have a sense of individuality and makes them feel significant. Thus, it attracts people who stand out from the crowd and always have something different to share. 

4. Creates Brand Image

There is no doubt that if you follow good strategies and plans, you will see your company growing. Employers can use diversity as a top-selling point to stay ahead of the competition, and thus attract more diverse candidates. This will also employees feel recognized and that they would like to stay and work at your company for longer, which will eventually enhance the brand image.

5. Increase in Reach

By having diverse teams, you can reach out and serve a larger pool of clients or customers by reaching out to various demographic groups who may have previously been neglected or under-served. For instance, if you are trying to sell to tier-2 and tier-3 cities it will be difficult for you to reach out to those markets unless you have people in your company who belong to those cities.

Diversity in your workspace shall help you to connect to more people, leading to an expansion in your footprints. Thus, diversity can help you to become well-known in the market.  

6. Compete with the Market Globally

Diversity brings talented people to your company, as they have been selected from the open market, who can speak multiple languages, are familiar with different cultures, and also carry the unique talent that defines them. 

Having a team of individuals with different backgrounds can help you sustain your brand and business in the global marketplace.  

7. Better Customer Service

The more diverse your team is, the more empathy your team can show to of a diverse set customers.

Customers feel good when they are heard and their issues are solved properly. Diversity comes in great advantage here as it brings more ideas and suggestions related to any issue, specifically the customers-related ones. Thus, it will help your company to generate the best solutions for your customers and keep them satisfied.

8. Improvement in Productivity

The presence of diversity can make people productive and add more to the company. It is seen that when the colleagues are different from each other, they feel like learning from each other and find the common ground, which results in better productivity. 

A diverse workforce can present different ideas, analyze the problem and figure out the best possible way to solve an issue which improves productivity in the organisation.

 9. Increase in Opportunities for Minorities

Another trait that comes with the presence of diversity is opening employment opportunities for minorities, like women,  who have not been given much importance before. Now when the company has diversified and is supposed to hire talented people in open ground, it also opens job opportunities for people who were neglected before, people who were underserved and underrepresented. 

Decision making assessments for startups

10. Individual Growth

Most employees have the primary goal of being financially stable, however, that does not mean they do not want to grow. Your employees would be happier if they see themselves growing in their field while being financially stable. Diversity allows the company to split roles amongst employees and let them grow. It is because the employer will know of the fact that a certain person has the unique skill to work is good in this field, and that he/she can work better there. There will be no more wastage of time to see who is better and who is not. This is harder to figure out in a more homogeneous team setup

11. Better ROI

Typically companies with a more diverse workforce outperforms their non diverse counterparts. A diverse workplace brings in more knowledge, experience, skills, perspectives as well as the capability to serve wider set of customers and geographies. With all of the mentioned benefits, the company can boost its profits to a much higher scale.

 12. Better Risk Management

You cannot escape risks if you are in a business. You will always be surrounded by possible risks. However, what matters is how you tackle them. Diversity comes in great advantage here. You would not get many ideas if people are from the same background. The situation will be different if there is diversity, as the ideas would be different and hence, the risks are more balanced. 

Multiple studies have shown how diversity in board rooms leads to better detection and recognition of risks, fraud, corruption, etc.

As per an article by Harvard business review: “Experts believe that companies with women directors deal more effectively with risk. Not only do they better address the concerns of customers, employees, shareholders, and the local community, but also, they tend to focus on long-term priorities.”

 13. Creates a Sense of Purpose

Diversity creates a sense of purpose amongst the employees and employers and pushes them to work harder to come up with more ideas and suggestions. 

A survey by Glassdoor says that “a diverse workforce is an important factor when evaluating companies and job offers,” having more diversity in your leadership ranks is a great way to do the right thing and inspire a sense of purpose among employees.

Having a variety of culturally diverse groups of people in the workforce allows for the employees to be more engaged in their job. It can also bring a sense of belonging with the new employees from different cultures.

14. Improve morale and teamwork

Diversity in teams improves employee morale and teamwork by making each worker feel more valued for who they are in person and by being more accepting of what each employee contributes towards a common objective, regardless of gender, culture, race, lifestyle, and age differences.

15. Reduction in Employee Turnover Rate

The workspace matters the most. If you have a positive workspace that focuses on each of its members and makes them feel recognized then it will result in the intactness of the employees. This is because they can grow individually in a positive environment. Thus, this way diversity helps in reducing the employee turnover rate as well. 

Benefit Description
1. Innovation Diversity brings creativity, innovation, and out-of-the-box ideas.
2. Better Performance Diverse teams can solve problems faster and outperform homogeneous teams.
3. Attracts Talent Companies prioritizing diversity attract more diverse and talented candidates.
4. Creates Brand Image Diversity enhances a company’s brand image and employee retention.
5. Increase in Reach Diverse teams can better connect with and serve diverse customer groups.
6. Compete Globally Diverse teams can sustain brands and businesses in the global marketplace.
7. Better Customer Service Diversity brings empathy and better solutions for diverse customer bases.
8. Improvement in Productivity Diverse perspectives lead to better problem-solving and increased productivity.
9. Increase in Job Opportunities for Minorities Diversity opens up employment opportunities for underrepresented groups.
10. Individual Growth Diversity allows employees to grow in their unique skillsets and roles.
11. Better ROI Companies with diverse workforces tend to outperform non-diverse counterparts.
12. Better Risk Management Diversity leads to better risk detection and recognition.
13. Creates a Sense of Purpose Diversity inspires a sense of purpose and engagement among employees.
14. Improve Morale and Teamwork Diversity improves employee morale and teamwork by valuing individual contributions.
15. Reduction in Employee Turnover Rate Positive, diverse workspaces reduce employee turnover rates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Benefits of Having a Diverse Team

1. Why is diversity important in the workplace? Diversity in the workplace is important because it brings together people from different backgrounds, age groups, genders, and ethnicities, which leads to a variety of perspectives, ideas, and experiences. This diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, ultimately driving the success and growth of organizations.

2. How does diversity contribute to innovation? Diversity contributes to innovation by enabling the introduction of fresh and out-of-the-box ideas. When teams consist of individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, they bring unique insights and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more creative and innovative solutions. Research shows that companies that prioritize diversity are more likely to generate innovative ideas and revenue.

3. Does having a diverse team improve performance? Yes, having a diverse team can improve performance. Studies have shown that diverse teams are often more effective in problem-solving and decision-making compared to teams with similar cognitive abilities. By embracing diversity, companies create an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their ideas, leading to improved team collaboration and performance.

4. Does diversity attract top talent? Yes, diversity attracts top talent. Many individuals seek out organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion because it allows them to express their individuality and feel valued. By embracing diversity, companies can create a competitive advantage in attracting talented individuals who bring unique skills, perspectives, and experiences to the table.

5. Can diversity enhance a company’s brand image? Yes, diversity can enhance a company’s brand image. By actively promoting diversity and inclusivity, companies demonstrate their commitment to creating an open and accepting work environment. This can be a powerful selling point for potential employees, clients, and customers, helping to differentiate the company from its competitors and enhance its reputation.

6. How does diversity expand a company’s reach? Diversity expands a company’s reach by enabling it to connect with a broader range of clients or customers. When teams are diverse, they bring a deeper understanding of various demographic groups, allowing the company to tailor its products or services to better serve those markets. By embracing diversity, companies can expand their customer base and increase market penetration.

7. How does diversity help companies compete globally? Diversity helps companies compete globally by bringing together individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds, language skills, and global perspectives. This diverse talent pool enables companies to better understand and cater to the needs of international markets, adapt to different cultural norms, and effectively navigate global business environments.

8. Does diversity improve customer service? Yes, diversity can improve customer service. A diverse team can better understand and empathize with a diverse customer base. By bringing together individuals from different backgrounds, companies gain a wider range of insights and perspectives that can help generate the best solutions for customers. This, in turn, enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

9. How does diversity contribute to productivity? Diversity contributes to productivity by fostering a learning environment where individuals can exchange knowledge and learn from one another’s unique perspectives. When colleagues come from diverse backgrounds, they can share their expertise, collaborate, and find common ground, leading to increased productivity and efficiency within the organization.

10. Does diversity create more job opportunities for minorities? Yes, diversity creates more job opportunities for minorities and underrepresented groups. When companies prioritize diversity, they actively seek out talent from diverse backgrounds and provide equal opportunities for everyone. This opens doors for individuals who were previously overlooked or underserved, leading to increased job opportunities and a more inclusive workforce.

11. How does diversity promote individual growth? Diversity promotes individual growth by recognizing and leveraging the unique skills and talents of each employee. When companies have a diverse workforce, they can assign roles based on individual strengths and expertise. This allows employees to focus on areas where they excel and have the potential for growth, leading to personal and professional development within the company.

12. Can diversity contribute to better return on investment (ROI)? Yes, diversity can contribute to better return on investment (ROI). Companies with diverse workforces tend to outperform their non-diverse counterparts. The inclusion of diverse perspectives, knowledge, and experiences enables organizations to make more informed decisions, better understand customer needs, and serve a wider range of markets. These factors collectively contribute to improved financial performance and higher ROI.

13. How does diversity improve risk management? Diversity improves risk management by bringing different viewpoints and insights to the table. When teams are diverse, they are more likely to identify and address risks, fraud, corruption, and other potential issues effectively. Studies have shown that companies with diverse boards are better at recognizing and mitigating risks, as they consider a broader range of perspectives and prioritize long-term priorities.

14. Does diversity create a sense of purpose among employees? Yes, diversity creates a sense of purpose among employees. When companies prioritize diversity and create an inclusive work environment, employees feel valued and recognized for their individuality. This sense of purpose motivates employees to contribute their ideas, suggestions, and efforts towards the company’s goals, resulting in increased engagement, satisfaction, and overall productivity.

15. How does diversity improve morale and teamwork? Diversity improves morale and teamwork by fostering an environment of acceptance, respect, and appreciation for individual differences. When team members feel valued and included, they are more likely to collaborate effectively, leverage each other’s strengths, and work towards a common objective. This leads to improved morale, stronger team dynamics, and enhanced overall performance.

16. Can diversity help reduce employee turnover rate? Yes, diversity can help reduce employee turnover rate. A positive and inclusive work environment that prioritizes diversity makes employees feel valued, respected, and recognized. When employees experience personal growth opportunities, a sense of belonging, and a supportive atmosphere, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long term. This results in lower employee turnover and the retention of valuable talent.

17. How can I assess if my team is diverse? You can assess the diversity of your team by conducting a team diversity assessment. This assessment can involve analyzing demographic data such as gender, ethnicity, age, and background of team members. Additionally, you can also evaluate the diversity of perspectives, experiences, and skills within the team. This assessment will provide insights into the current level of diversity within your team and help identify areas for improvement.

18. Are there resources available for building diverse startup teams? Yes, there are resources available for building diverse startup teams. You can find articles, guides, and resources online that provide insights and strategies for assembling diverse and inclusive startup teams. These resources offer advice on recruitment practices, creating inclusive work cultures, addressing unconscious biases, and promoting diversity in all aspects of your startup’s operations.

19. Where can I find more information on building a diverse tech startup team? To find more information on building a diverse tech startup team, you can refer to the posts and articles available on reputable business and tech websites. These resources often provide valuable insights, best practices, and case studies related to diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Additionally, you can also explore professional networks, industry conferences, and diversity-focused organizations that offer guidance and support for building diverse tech startup teams.

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