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What is Meme Marketing?

Hello, young entrepreneurs! Today, we’re going to explore a fascinating and increasingly popular marketing strategy called “meme marketing.”

You might be wondering, “What’s a meme?” Well, let me explain it in simple terms.

A meme is a funny image, video, or piece of text that spreads rapidly on the internet. It’s something so entertaining or relatable that people can’t help but share it with their friends and family.

And that’s where the magic of meme marketing lies – in using these viral sensations to promote your brand or product.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “How can a silly picture or joke help my business?” Well, let me tell you, meme marketing is a powerful tool that can help you connect with your target audience in a way that traditional advertising simply can’t.

So, let’s dive into the world of meme marketing together!

What Are Memes?

Let’s start with the basics. A meme is a piece of content – usually an image, video, or text – that spreads rapidly online, often being shared and remixed by countless users. Memes are typically humorous, relatable, or thought-provoking, which is why they resonate so strongly with people.

Some examples of popular memes include:

  • The “Distracted Boyfriend” meme, features a man checking out another woman while his partner looks on disapprovingly.
  • The “Success Kid” meme, features a baby clenching their fist in a triumphant pose.
  • The “Doge” meme, features an image of a Shiba Inu dog with broken English captions.

Memes are a form of internet culture, and they’ve become a universal language that people of all ages and backgrounds can understand and enjoy.

The Rise of Meme Marketing

As memes have become increasingly prevalent in our daily online interactions, savvy marketers have recognized their potential as a powerful marketing tool. Meme marketing, also known as “memetic marketing” involves using or creating memes to promote a brand, product, or service.

This marketing strategy has gained significant traction in recent years, with brands large and small embracing the power of memes to connect with their target audiences in a fun and relatable way.

One of the earliest and most successful examples of meme marketing was Wendy’s savage social media presence, where they roasted their competitors and engaged with fans using memes and internet slang. This approach helped them gain a dedicated following, especially among younger consumers.

Why Meme Marketing Works

Meme marketing is effective for several reasons:

  1. Shareability: Memes are designed to be shared, which means that a successful meme can quickly go viral, exposing your brand to a massive audience.
  2. Relatability: Memes often tap into relatable experiences, emotions, or cultural references, making them resonate with people on a personal level.
  3. Humor and Emotion: Memes are usually funny or evoke strong emotions, which can help create positive associations with your brand.
  4. Low Barrier to Entry: Creating or repurposing memes is relatively inexpensive, making it an accessible marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes.
  5. Engagement: Memes encourage interaction and participation, as people share, comment, and create their own versions, fostering a sense of community around your brand.

Types of Meme Marketing

Meme marketing can take various forms, including:

  1. Creating Original Memes: Brands can create their own original memes that incorporate their products or messaging.
  2. Hijacking Existing Memes: Brands can piggyback on existing popular memes by adding their own twist or incorporating their brand elements.
  3. Meme Advertising: Brands can pay influencers or run sponsored posts featuring memes to promote their products or services.
  4. Meme Challenges: Brands can create meme-based challenges or contests encouraging user-generated content and engagement.
  5. Meme Merchandise: Brands can sell merchandise featuring popular memes or meme-inspired designs.

10 Examples of Meme Marketing Campaigns

Here are 10 examples of successful meme marketing campaigns:

  1. Gucci Meme Campaign: In 2017, Gucci embraced meme culture by creating a series of memes featuring their products and models in humorous situations. The campaign went viral and helped position Gucci as a brand in touch with youth culture.
  2. Wendy’s Savage Tweets: Wendy’s gained a massive following on Twitter by roasting competitors and engaging with fans using internet slang and memes. Their sassy social media presence became a meme in itself.
  3. Denny’s Tumblr Memes: Denny’s cultivated a quirky and irreverent brand voice on Tumblr by creating and sharing memes that played on internet culture and humor.
  4. Bud Light’s “Dilly Dilly” Meme: Bud Light’s “Dilly Dilly” medieval-themed ads quickly became a viral meme, with people using the catchphrase in various contexts and creating their own meme variations.
  5. Netflix’s “Bird Box” Memes: When the movie “Bird Box” became a pop culture phenomenon, Netflix leaned into the meme craze by creating and sharing their own “Bird Box” memes, capitalizing on the buzz.
  6. Spotify’s “Wrapped” Memes: Spotify’s end-of-year “Wrapped” campaign, which shares users’ listening habits in a shareable format, has become a meme goldmine, with people creating and sharing memes about their music tastes.
  7. Pornhub’s Meme Campaigns: Pornhub has embraced meme marketing by creating and sharing memes that play on internet culture and sex-related humor, often going viral and sparking conversations.
  8. Steak-umm’s Existential Tweets: The frozen meat brand Steak-umm gained a cult following by tweeting existential and philosophical musings, often presented in meme format, creating a unique and unexpected brand voice.
  9. Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”: Old Spice’s iconic “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” ad campaign became a meme in its own right, with people creating countless parodies and meme variations.
  10. MoonPie’s Irreverent Memes: The snack cake brand MoonPie has built a loyal following by sharing irreverent and humorous memes on social media, often poking fun at themselves and embracing internet culture.

These examples showcase how brands across various industries have successfully leveraged meme marketing to connect with their audiences, build brand awareness, and drive engagement in a fun and relatable way.

Brand Meme Marketing Example
Netflix Uses memes based on popular shows like YOU and Bridgerton to connect with young audiences
Dominos Edited the album cover for Drake’s Certified Lover Boy to include their garlic dip
Simple Skincare Created a meme using the “front-facing camera dog” trend to get customers excited about deliveries
Knowsley Safari Park Used their own meerkats in a funny Halloween meme to encourage bookings
Dollar Shave Club Known for their humorous memes on social media since their launch video
Audible Edited the “spooky skeleton” meme to specifically apply to their brand
Candy Kittens Used a meme to convey their vegan values in a fun way
Natural Cycles Paired a clip from The Shining with a dark joke about periods in a video meme
Starbucks Used the “Me, Also Me” meme format to joke about their products
Dunkin Launched a new product line using the “Me” meme to relate to followers
Nickelodeon Created a side-by-side meme to promote Star Trek: Prodigy using their characters
Times Prime Served its audience with a relatable meme based on the ‘Barbenhiemer’ trend
Lays Used a meme template to pre-hype an important campaign announcement
Spotify Took a dig at celebrities’ fashion and public appearances in memes
Tim Hortons Utilized the ‘Barbie’ movie trend to promote their app with a video featuring the character Ken
Google Maps Joined the pumpkin spice trend with a humorous meme about finding the nearest treat
Shopify Made the viral Bernie Sanders meme relatable to their users
Tim Hortons Used a meme to promote their app and encourage users to try it out

How to Build a Meme Marketing Strategy

While meme marketing can be a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and driving engagement, it’s important to approach it strategically. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building an effective meme marketing strategy:

1. Define Your Goals

Before diving into meme marketing, clearly define your goals. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, boost sales, or simply foster a stronger connection with your audience? Having specific, measurable goals will help you craft a focused strategy and evaluate its success.

2. Know Your Audience

Successful meme marketing relies on understanding your target audience’s interests, humor, and cultural references. Conduct audience research to identify the types of memes and humor they respond to, as well as the platforms they frequent.

3. Establish Your Brand Voice

Meme marketing requires a distinct brand voice that resonates with your audience. Decide whether you want a funny, irreverent, or more subtle approach. Consistency is key to building a recognizable and authentic brand personality.

4. Monitor Meme Trends

Memes have a short shelf life, so it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest trends. Follow popular meme accounts, engage with online communities, and use social listening tools to identify emerging memes and cultural moments to capitalize on.

5. Create or Curate Memes

Based on your audience insights and brand voice, start creating or curating memes that align with your goals. You can either develop original memes or put a unique spin on existing popular memes by incorporating your brand elements.

6. Develop a Content Calendar

Plan your meme marketing efforts by creating a content calendar. This will help you maintain a consistent presence and ensure that your memes are timely and relevant to current events or cultural moments.

7. Engage and Interact

Meme marketing is a two-way conversation. Encourage user-generated content by running meme contests or challenges, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and sharing user-created memes that align with your brand.

8. Monitor and Adapt

Continuously monitor the performance of your meme marketing campaigns and listen to audience feedback. Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on what resonates and what falls flat. Meme trends move quickly, so staying agile is key.

9. Measure Success

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your meme marketing efforts. This could include engagement metrics, reach, brand awareness, website traffic, or even sales and conversions, depending on your goals.

10. Integrate with Other Marketing Efforts

While meme marketing can be a powerful standalone strategy, it can also complement and amplify your other marketing efforts. Look for opportunities to integrate meme campaigns with your social media, content marketing, influencer marketing, and other initiatives for a cohesive and impactful approach.

Best Practices for Meme Marketing

While meme marketing can be a powerful tool, it’s essential to approach it with care and strategy. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience’s preferences, humor, and cultural references is crucial for creating or using memes that resonate with them.
  2. Use the Right Tools: There are plenty of free and paid tools available. You can, for example, use Adobe’s free meme generator
  3. Stay Relevant: Memes have a short shelf life, so it’s important to stay on top of current trends and adapt your meme marketing strategy accordingly.
  4. Be Authentic: Memes should feel genuine and not like blatant advertisements. Striking the right balance is key to avoiding backlash.
  5. Respect Intellectual Property: Be mindful of copyright and trademark laws when using memes or creating your own.
  6. Monitor and Respond: Keep an eye on how your meme marketing campaigns are received and be prepared to address any negative feedback or misunderstandings promptly.

Risks and Challenges of Meme Marketing

While meme marketing offers significant potential benefits, it’s not without its risks and challenges:

  1. Offense or Misinterpretation: Memes can be easily misunderstood or perceived as offensive, potentially causing backlash or damaging your brand’s reputation.
  2. Lack of Control: Once a meme is released into the wild, it can take on a life of its own, with people remixing or reinterpreting it in ways you may not have intended.
  3. Short-Lived Relevance: Memes can become stale or outdated quickly, making it challenging to maintain a consistent meme marketing strategy.
  4. Legal Issues: Using copyrighted or trademarked material in memes without permission can lead to legal troubles.
  5. Difficulty Measuring Success: Quantifying the impact of meme marketing can be challenging, as traditional metrics like impressions or clicks may not fully capture the value of a viral meme.

Measuring the Success of Meme Marketing

While measuring the success of meme marketing can be tricky, there are several metrics you can use to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns:

  1. Engagement: Track likes, shares, comments, and other forms of engagement on your meme posts to understand how well they resonate with your audience.
  2. Reach and Impressions: Monitor the reach and impressions of your meme posts to see how far they’ve spread and how many people have been exposed to them.
  3. Brand Awareness and Sentiment: Analyze social media mentions, search trends, and online conversations to gauge changes in brand awareness and sentiment after launching a meme marketing campaign.
  4. Sales and Conversions: If your meme marketing campaigns are tied to specific products or services, track any changes in sales or conversions that may be attributed to the campaigns.
  5. User-Generated Content: Encourage and track user-generated content inspired by your meme campaigns, as this can be a valuable indicator of engagement and brand affinity.

Meme Marketing Quiz

Now that you’ve learned all about meme marketing, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test! Take this short quiz to see how well you understand this marketing strategy and how it can benefit your business.

  1. What is a meme? a) A type of online advertisement b) A viral piece of content, often an image or video c) A marketing campaign focused on social media influencers
  2. Why is meme marketing effective? a) It’s inexpensive and easy to create memes b) Memes are designed to be shared and can go viral quickly c) Both a and b
  3. Which of the following is NOT a type of meme marketing? a) Creating original memes b) Hijacking existing memes c) Running traditional TV commercials with meme references
  4. What is a crucial best practice for successful meme marketing? a) Using memes that are completely unrelated to your brand b) Understanding your target audience’s humor and cultural references c) Ignoring any negative feedback or backlash
  5. Which of the following is a potential risk of meme marketing? a) Your memes may be misinterpreted or perceived as offensive b) Memes have a short shelf life and can become outdated quickly c) Both a and b
  6. How can you measure the success of a meme marketing campaign? (Select all that apply) a) Track engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments b) Monitor changes in brand awareness and sentiment c) Analyze sales and conversion data d) All of the above

Here are the correct answers for the meme marketing quiz:

  1. What is a meme? b) A viral piece of content, often an image or video
  2. Why is meme marketing effective?
    c) Both a and b a) It’s inexpensive and easy to create memes b) Memes are designed to be shared and can go viral quickly
  3. Which of the following is NOT a type of meme marketing? c) Running traditional TV commercials with meme references
  4. What is a crucial best practice for successful meme marketing? b) Understanding your target audience’s humor and cultural references
  5. Which of the following is a potential risk of meme marketing? c) Both a and b a) Your memes may be misinterpreted or perceived as offensive b) Memes have a short shelf life and can become outdated quickly
  6. How can you measure the success of a meme marketing campaign? d) All of the above a) Track engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments b) Monitor changes in brand awareness and sentiment c) Analyze sales and conversion data


  • 6 correct answers: Congratulations! You’re a meme marketing master! Your business is ready to take the internet by storm with viral meme campaigns.
  • 4-5 correct answers: You’ve got a solid grasp of meme marketing, but there’s still room for improvement. Keep learning and experimenting to unlock the full potential of this strategy.
  • 3 or fewer correct answers: Meme marketing may be a bit of a mystery to you, but don’t worry! With some additional research and practice, you’ll be creating shareable memes that boost your brand in no time.

Remember, meme marketing is a dynamic and ever-changing field, so it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. Keep an open mind, have fun, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks – that’s the key to meme marketing success!


Meme marketing is a powerful and cost-effective way to connect with your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive engagement. By leveraging the viral nature and relatability of memes, you can create campaigns that resonate with people on a personal level and encourage sharing and interaction.

However, meme marketing requires a deep understanding of your audience, a finger on the pulse of current trends, and a strategic approach to avoid potential risks and challenges.

When done well, meme marketing can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes, helping you cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression on your customers.

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