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What is a proof of concept (PoC) with examples?


Proof of concept (POC) is an important step in the software development process. It allows you to test your ideas and see if they work in a real-world setting. POC also helps you determine if your idea is feasible and how much time and resources it will take to complete the project.

POC is typically used in the early stages of development when there is still a lot of uncertainty about the project. By doing a POC, you can reduce the risk of developing a product that doesn’t work or isn’t feasible.

POC can be used to test different aspects of the product, such as the user interface, functionality, or performance. POC can also be used to test different technical approaches.

POC is usually a small, isolated project that is developed quickly and cheaply. The goal of POC is not to create a complete product, but to verify that the concept is feasible and to identify any risks or challenges associated with the project.

POC can be an important step in the software development process, but it is not a replacement for a full-fledged product development process. POC should be used to validate ideas and approaches, not to build the final product.

How to create a proof of concept?

Creating a proof of concept is an important step in the software development process. It allows you to test your ideas and see if they work in a real-world setting. POC also helps you determine if your idea is feasible and how much time and resources it will take to complete the project.

There are several steps involved in creating a proof of concept. The first step is to define the problem that you are trying to solve. Once you have defined the problem, you need to come up with a solution. This can be done by brainstorming or using a mind-mapping technique. Once you have a solution, you need to create a prototype. This will help you test your solution and see if it works. If the prototype is successful, you can then proceed to development.

Creating a proof of concept is an important part of the software development process and can help you determine if your idea is feasible. By following the steps above, you can create a successful proof of concept.


Examples of POC


The movie studio Pixar creates short films to display new animation techniques and technologies. Once the studio’s decision-makers approve them, Pixar uses them for future animations. One such test grew to become the short movie Piper. The animation even won an Oscar for Best Animated Short Film in 2017. Many directors make proof-of-concept movies to sell their ideas to the movie studios.


When pharmaceutical researchers develop a new drug, they do a small number of tests on a limited number of patients to see if the drug works. If the results from these tests are positive, then the researchers can ask for more money to continue developing the drug.

Engineering & Technology

In engineering and technology, a proof of concept is often created to show that an idea will work. For example, you might create a working model of an electrical device using a breadboard.

Before you file for a patent, you might need to show how the invention works. Some universities have proof of concept centers to help with this. They can provide money for inventions that are in the early stages (seed-stage investing) and help get them ready for the market faster (accelerate the commercialization of university innovations).

Proof of concept centers provides money to help fund research that is new and has not been done before.

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What are some common pitfalls associated with POCs?

1. Not Defining the Goal

One of the most common mistakes made during a proof of concept is not properly defining the project’s goals. Without clear goals, it’s impossible to measure the success of your POC. Make sure you and your team are on the same page regarding what you hope to achieve before starting the project.

2. Not Enough Planning

Another frequent mistake is not doing enough planning before starting a POC. This can lead to wasted time and resources as you try to figure out what you need to do on the fly. It’s important to have a solid plan in place so you can hit the ground running and make the most of your time.

3. Over-Engineering

One temptation when doing a proof of concept is to try to build too much. This can be a waste of time and resources, as you may end up building something that’s not actually needed. It’s important to focus on the core functionality and only build what’s absolutely necessary to test your idea.

4. Not Testing Enough

A common pitfall associated with POCs is not doing enough testing. This can lead to problems down the line if you don’t catch all the bugs before moving on to the next phase of development. Make sure you take the time to thoroughly test your idea before moving on.

5. Not Getting Feedback

Another mistake that’s often made during a POC is not getting feedback from stakeholders. This can be a critical mistake, as you may end up building something that’s not actually what they want. Make sure you get feedback early and often so you can course-correct as needed.

6. Not Documenting Enough

A final mistake that’s often made during a POC is not documenting the process enough. This can make it difficult to replicate your results or to hand off the project to someone else. Make sure you document everything so you can refer back to it later.

Difference between POC and MVP

A proof of concept (POC) is a small project that is used to test an idea or concept. A minimum viable product (MVP) is a working version of a product that has the core features and functionality needed to be successful.

POCs are usually smaller in scope than MVPs. They are used to test a specific idea or concept, and they don’t need to be fully functional. MVPs are larger in scope and are designed to be a working product that can be launched to customers.

POCs can be helpful in the early stages of product development when you’re not sure if an idea is worth pursuing. MVPs are helpful when you’re ready to launch a product and you need to get feedback from customers.

If you’re not sure if an idea is worth pursuing, a proof of concept can help you test it out. If you’re ready to launch a product, a minimum viable product can help you get feedback from customers.

When deciding which one to use, consider the scope of the project and the goal you’re trying to achieve. If you just want to test an idea, a proof of concept is probably the better choice. If you’re ready to launch a product, an MVP is probably the better choice.

Difference between POC & prototype

A proof of concept is an early-stage project that is used to test an idea or concept. A prototype is a preliminary model of a product or service.

POCs are usually smaller in scope than prototypes. They are used to test a specific idea or concept, and they don’t need to be fully functional. Prototypes are larger in scope and are designed to be a working product that can be launched to customers.

POCs can be helpful in the early stages of product development when you’re not sure if an idea is worth pursuing. Prototypes are helpful when you’re ready to launch a product and you need to get feedback from customers.

If you’re not sure if an idea is worth pursuing, a proof of concept can help you test it out. If you’re ready to launch a product, a prototype can help you get feedback from customers.

When deciding which one to use, consider the scope of the project and the goal you’re trying to achieve. If you just want to test an idea, a proof of concept is probably the better choice. If you’re ready to launch a product, a prototype is probably the better choice.


Creating a proof of concept can seem like a daunting task, but it is an important step in the software development process. By taking the time to create a POC, you can test your ideas and see if they are feasible in a real-world setting.

Additionally, a POC can help you determine how much time and resources will be required to complete the project. While it may take some time to create a POC, it is worth the effort if it can help you avoid costly mistakes further down the road.

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