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How to Create an AI Marketing Plan That Works

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming marketing. Like any new technology, it brings opportunities and challenges. The key is developing an effective strategy to use AI in ways that provide value.

In this post, I’ll share ideas on how to create an AI marketing game plan tailored to your business. We’ll cover:

The AI Marketing Landscape

First, let’s ground ourselves in what AI can do for marketing teams today. Current capabilities fall into three main buckets:

Analysis and Optimization

AI excels at finding insights in data. It can process volumes of information to spot trends and patterns quickly. This helps with:

  • SEO optimization
  • Ad targeting
  • Predictive analytics
  • Campaign performance analysis
  • Personalization


AI tools can take over repetitive marketing tasks:

  • Social media posting
  • Email marketing
  • Landing page building
  • Content generation

This leaves more time for strategic work.

Customer Interactions

AI is powering the next generation of customer experiences:

  • Chatbots for conversations
  • Voice assistants
  • Recommendation engines
  • Interactive content

As AI improves, expect more innovations in this area.

Setting Your AI Marketing Goals

AI opens up many possibilities. But you need focus.

Start by identifying problems AI could help solve. Ask questions like:

  • Where are our biggest campaign inefficiencies?
  • How much time do we spend on low-value tasks?
  • What content takes the most resources but has low engagement?
  • Where could better personalization lift conversions?

Then, set specific goals for AI to tackle. Examples could include:

  • Increase campaign reach by 15%
  • Lift whitepaper downloads by 30%
  • Cut time spent on social media posts by half

The key is choosing goals AI can influence. Elements like better targeting, automated task handling, and personalized experiences are good fits.

Evaluating AI Marketing Tools

Once you’ve set goals, research tools that can help achieve them. AI marketing categories to explore include:

SEO Assistants

AI SEO tools analyze website text and structure. They suggest wording and link changes to improve search visibility. Top options include Frase, SurferSEO and INK.

Social Media Chatbots

These AI chatbots manage conversations for you on platforms like Facebook Messenger. Manybot, Chatfuel, and Flow XO are leading solutions.

Copywriting Assistants

Need more content? AI writing tools like Jasper,, and INK create blog posts and other marketing copy.

Email Optimization

Tools like Phrasee and Persado generate better email subject lines. Or they help personalize message content using AI.

Ad Platforms

Major ad platforms have AI capabilities built-in now. Facebook, Google and Amazon services tap automation and optimization.

Evaluate both standalone apps and built-in features for reaching your goals. Avoid over-investing in unproven tools though.

Blending AI Into Your Marketing Mix

The most successful AI strategies blend tools seamlessly with existing efforts like:


Use AI for tasks like:

  • Keywords research
  • Ad copywriting
  • Landing page building
  • Progress tracking

But combine it with ongoing optimization best practices in areas like technical SEO.

Email & Social

Apply AI to:

  • Subject line writing
  • Personalized content
  • Chatbot messaging
  • Performance analysis

Yet make sure it fits nicely with existing email and social media calendars.

Content Creation

Let tools generate draft posts and other copy. But have a writer carefully edit before publishing.

The goal is to improve efficiency rather than handing creation fully over to AI.

A blended approach gets the most out of AI while managing risks.

Tracking Progress and Optimizing

With your AI marketing plan running, drill into performance to guide improvements.

Metrics to watch

Revisit the key metrics tied to your original goals. If you aimed to cut landing page building time in half, check on that specifically.

Tool performance

For each AI application, monitor how well it’s delivering. Flag areas falling short for replacement or adjustments.

Audience response

Survey and interview leads and customers exposed to AI elements. See what resonates and what doesn’t.

Staff feedback

Your team may spot AI optimization areas you miss. Check-in on their tool experience and client reactions frequently.

Use what you learn to refine your approach over time. The AI marketing space will continue advancing too. So stay ready to swap out aging solutions for better ones when the time is right.

AI Marketing Plan Template

Goals & Objectives

What key marketing goals can AI help with? Prioritize 1-3 goals to focus initial efforts.

  • Goal 1:
  • Goal 2:
  • Goal 3:

Define success metrics & targets for each goal:

AI Capability Analysis

Review marketing areas and tasks where AI could assist. Assess potential value:

Marketing ActivityAI PossibilitiesPriority LevelExpected Value
SEOContent optimization, technical auditsHighIncrease organic traffic 15%
Email MarketingAutomated campaigns, personalized messagingMediumLift email open rates 10%

AI Tool Evaluation

Research AI product options suited to goals. Compare vendors on:

  • Features
  • Implementation requirements
  • Performance
  • Cost

Shortlist 2-3 top contender tools to test.

Integration Plan

Outline how AI tools will integrate with platforms, workflows, and current marketing mix:

  • Who will manage and maintain AI tools?
  • What processes need adjustment?
  • How will inputs/outputs connect between AI and other systems?

Rollout Roadmap

Phase tools launch over time, starting with small pilots:

  • Phase 1: SEO content optimization tool
    • Goal: Increase organic traffic
    • Scope: Blog content only
    • Timeline: 3 months
  • Phase 2: Email campaign personalization
    • Goal: Lift email open rates
    • Scope: Promotional emails
    • Timeline: 6 months

Measurement & Optimization

Establish tracking plan to monitor tool and goal progress:

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Assessment frequency
  • Decision points on expansion or adjustments

Use insights to iterate and improve over time.

Start Applying AI to Your Marketing Strategy

I hope these tips give you a blueprint for getting value from AI across your marketing activities. Well planned adoption can boost performance in multiple areas. But be selective with where you apply it, and monitor progress closely.

The key is choosing AI solutions suited to clear goals, blended with proven marketing approaches. With testing and optimization, you’ll see the benefits compound over time.

Now could be the perfect moment to start developing your AI-powered marketing game plan. The quick pace of progress means acting now puts you ahead of competitors who delay. Be among the pioneers who tap automation, analysis, and personalization tools to maximize success.

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